Monday, February 23, 2015

My Name is Glaza

My name is Glaza. I have lived 6 Earth years as a Plarus house slave.  I've been called an accident and a mistake,  but my grandmother used to call me a miracle. Conceived on Gaenid, of two species that were believed to be genetically incompatible, while my mother was on a fertility constrictor, I was born female. 

Had I been born male, I may not have been sold when I was 9 Earth years, by my uncle after my mother and grandmother were killed. Gaenid was an archaic planet. Females were property, used for procreation or pleasure. My uncle could not bare the idea of that life for me. He did not believe he could keep me safe, certain that the Gallus Order would steal me from my bed. He feared my unique race would mean endless lines at the pleasure house. He shook with tears as he told me goodbye. 

The  Plarus are a mostly civil people and treat their slaves kindly. We are allowed to attend school. However there are many young on Earth, from every species that have settled on this planet, that are cruel. My appearance frightens them. They call me a freak, a sin, a demon. But my best friend Bailey, a human, he calls me Light. 


1 comment:

  1. I love inventive! Have you written any more chapters to the Glaza story? I'd love to read more!


I'd love to know what you think. :)